Tuesday, February 12, 2013

It Starts

I've had a lifelong love of sweets and all things sugary.  No diabetes in my family, thankfully.  But lately it seems like I'm craving sugar more and more and I don't like it.

With Lent just a week away, I'm thinking of giving up refined sugar.  Not sure how this journey will play out but i wanted a way to track my progress, or lack thereof, so I'm starting this blog.

If you, too, are thinking of giving up sugar, drop me a line or two and let me know how you're dealing with it.

Best of luck!


T minus one hour, twelve minutes

Well, just finished a bottle of Coca Cola.  the last sugary thing for the next 40 days.  i've got to be honest.  i've cut my consumption of pop way down over the past several years.  maybe one a week.  maybe less.  but this one was very nice.  not sure if it was that i haven't had one in over a week, or the fact that it is my last one that made it taste so good.  i like the bubbles, bite of the acidity.  and it helped me burp the curry i had for dinner.

a cheese danish for breakfast, a chocolate muffin for lunch and a few jolly ranchers at work today.  not really a sugar overload.  i remember when i gave up coffee about 8 years ago.  to this day, i still do not know what i was thinking regarding that decision.  i went through bad withdrawal from the caffeine.  for weeks!  i was short, snappy and had the worst headache(s) of my life.  but they passed in a few weeks.  i switched to green tea.  completely different jolt than coffee.  but i missed coffee.  the taste of it.  the way it forced the clouds from my eyes  and head in the mornings.  when i stopped working the night shift and got a day job, i found that i really missed it.  so i started drinking it again, and what a difference it made.  now one or two cups in the morning are all i need.  knowing that i could give it up and for a prolonged period of time made me realize that i can give up anything for a while if it seems to be out of balance in my life.  i don't need Lent to tell me that.

so, i'm giving up sugar.  it's 11pm right now as i write this.  i'll let you know how it goes.
